MMS Chorus

What an incredible weekend it was for the Marlboro Middle School Chorus! From performing at the Worldstrides Performing Arts Heritage Festival to exploring the historic streets of Boston, the group of 39 students and four adults had a blast! They kicked off the adventure with a pizza dinner, strolled through Boston Commons, and even stumbled upon a music video shoot! The highlight? A mind-blowing Blue Man Group show!

The next day, our talented students wowed judges with their performance, earning high praise and even some valuable pointers for improvement. But it wasn't all work and no play – the group hopped on a Duck Tour, indulged in delicious treats at Quincy Market, and soaked in the history of Boston on the Freedom Trail. And guess what? The Dukes struck GOLD at the awards dinner!

Sunday was all about thrills and screams at Six Flags, where the students rode till they dropped (literally...some of them napped on the bus ride back!). Huge shoutout to our amazing students for their stellar performance, exemplary behavior, and endless enthusiasm. Here's to many more unforgettable trips ahead!