3...2...1...blast off! In what was truly an "out of this world" experience, Grade 1 students from Marlboro Elementary School embarked on a journey to space earlier this month, during a visit to the Marlboro High School (MHS) Planetarium.
Lots of “oohs” and “aahs” and plenty of exclamations of “that’s so cool!” could be heard as the excited young astronomers experienced a flying tour of the solar system, with stops at each planet—all from the safety of their own comfortable seats. Within the darkened, state-of-the-art room, the students were also able to observe the path of the sun throughout the seasons and identify several constellations, with help from their host, MHS Science Department Chair and Planetarium Director Robert DeMarco.
What a fun and interactive way to learn about space! Kudos to our teachers for always looking for creative ways to bring the science curriculum to life!