Student Data Privacy 

The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a law created to protect the privacy of children under 13. The Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1998 and took effect in April 2000. To comply with COPPA regulations, we must ensure that student identifiable information is always kept secure.  For each online program that is used with students that is not purchased by the district, the company must sign off on the Marlboro Central School District's Privacy Act Agreement.  For programs that have been purchased by the district, we have already obtained a signed copy of our district's Privacy Act Agreement from the company. If a particular company has not signed off on our district's Privacy Act Agreement, then no personally identifiable student information can be entered into their program.  Personally identifiable student information includes last name, Student ID #, school email address, birthdate, address, and phone number. A safe practice to use when entering rosters of students into any online program is to use Student First Name and Last Initial (i.e. Robin H).  Please note that you cannot reverse this scheme (First Initial and Last Name cannot be used). For passwords, a safe practice is to use your own last name and a number (i.e. Smith1, Smith 2). Please the Curriculum & Instruction Office with any questions you may have.

MCSD Signed Data Privacy Agreements

U.S. Department of Education - Protecting Student Privacy