Data Privacy and Security

What is Education Law 2-D?

District Data Protection Officer (Part 121.8)

Mike Bakatsias, Asst. Superintendent for Technology & Personnel

Contact: (845)236-8000 x1203

New York State Education Law 2-D (Part 121)

Pertains to the unauthorized release of personally identifiable Information.

On January 28, 2020, Part 121 of the Commissioner of Education's regulations became effective. These regulations require educational agencies to be diligent when protecting student Personally Identifiable Information (PII)** and teacher and principal APPR data by employing industry best practices that align with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.

Data Privacy and Security Policies

Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy & Security (Ed Law 2-d(3))

The Marlboro Central School District is committed to protecting the privacy and security of each and every student’s data. Parents should be aware of the following rights they have concerning their child’s data.

Privacy and Security for Student, Teacher and Principal Data (Part 121.5)

The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to enact policies that provide privacy for student, teacher and principal data in accordance with law. This is particularly relevant in the context of the administration of student data which is collected, surveys that collect personal information, the disclosure of personal information for marketing purposes and in conducting physical exams.

(7243) Student Data Breaches

A student data breach is defined as any instance in which there is an unauthorized release of or access to personally identifiable information (PII) or other protected information of students not suitable for public release. School districts have a legal responsibility to protect the privacy of education data, including personally identifiable information (PII) of its students.

NYSED Data Security and Privacy Policy

This policy addresses NYS Education Department’s (the Department or SED) responsibility to adopt appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards and controls to protect and maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its data, data systems and information technology resources.


(Part 121.7) Internet Safety Parent/Student Training Other Resources

The Superintendent of Schools, or his or her designee, shall develop and implement procedures that provide for the safety and security of students using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications; monitoring the online activities of students using School District computers; and restricting student access to materials that are harmful to minors as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act.

(7315) Student Use of Computerized Information Resources

The Board of Education believes that providing access to computers is an integral part of a contemporary education. Within financial limitations, computers, computer networks and the internet will be made available to students, faculty and staff.  The technology resources at the School District (e.g., all networking, hardware and software, the Internet, e-mail, telephone equipment, digital still and video, voice mail, fax machines and supporting telephone lines, and all communication equipment) are provided  to support the educational and administrative activities of the School District and should be used for those purposes.

(3320) Confidentiality of Computerized Information

The development of centralized computer banks of educational data gives rise to the question of the maintenance of confidentiality of such data while still conforming to the New York State Freedom of Information Law. The safeguarding of confidential data from inappropriate use is essential to the success of the District's operation. Access to confidential computerized data shall be limited only to authorized personnel of the School District.

(3410) Code of Conduct on School Property

In the Code of Conduct, school property means in or within any building, structure, athletic playing field, playground, parking lot or land contained within the real property boundary line of the District's elementary or secondary schools, or in or on a school bus; and a school function shall mean a school sponsored extracurricular event or activity regardless of where such event or activity takes place, including those that take place in another state.

District Approved Software List

District Approved Software List - List of software in use at MCSD with a DPA (Data Privacy Agreement) on file.

Federal Laws that Protect Students

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – The foundational federal law on the privacy of students’ educational records, FERPA safeguards student privacy by limiting who may access student records, specifying for what purpose they may access those records, and detailing what rules they have to follow when accessing the data. (Policy 7514 - Student Health Records)

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) – PPRA defines the rules states and school districts must follow when administering tools like surveys, analysis, and evaluations funded by the US Department of Education to students. It requires parental approval to administer many such tools and ensures that school districts have policies in place regarding how the data collected through these tools can be used.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) – COPPA imposes certain requirements on operators of websites, games, mobile apps or online services directed to children under 13 years of age, and on operators of other websites or online services that have actual knowledge that they are collecting personal information online from a child under 13 years of age.

(7241) Directory Information Policy - Limited Directory Information Disclosure means that that the District may limit disclosure of its designated directory information to specific parties, for specific purposes, or both. Allowing limited directory information disclosure may permit the District to use student directory information for such limited purposes

Annual Required Notification

Annual Parent Notification Packet - The annual parent notification packet** is an annual packet that provides Parent notification on many of the required policies and plans that provide a framework for managing our public schools such as the Student Code of Conduct, Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, the Right to Know, and many others.

The packet is available in English and Spanish, links are below:

Parent Notification Packet 23-24 -            
MCSD Code of Conduct -  ,    

Paquete de notificación para padres 23-24: Código de conducta de MCSD -

The packet was distributed to All Parents on August 25, 2023.**

Parent Resources for Data Privacy and Security

What is New York State Education Law 2-D?

This law pertains to the unauthorized release of personally identifiable information. 

 The Board of Regents adopted Part 121 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education on January 13, 2020. These rules will implement Education Law Section 2-d and provide guidance to educational agencies and their third-party contractors on ways to strengthen data privacy and security to protect student data and annual professional performance review data.

Parent Resources

  • Common Sense Kids Action

    Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.

  • Common Sense Media

    Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.

  • Online Privacy and Safety Resources

    Online privacy and safety resources from NYSED

  • Parent Fact Sheet

    Parent fact sheets from NYSED

  • StaySafeOnline

    National Cybersecurity Alliance: Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your devices with these tips and resources.

  • Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security

Digital Citizenship for Parents

Working together, schools and families can prepare kids to think critically and use technology in positive, creative, and powerful ways. The organization called CommonSense Media provides Family Tips and Family Activities and cover all six curriculum topics and are available in English and Spanish.

Family Resources for Internet Safety

Kids Safe Online Workbook

Family Engagement Resources - Boost your family engagement program with articles, videos, and ready-made presentations about online safety and privacy.

FTC: Protecting Kids Online - How to talk to your kids about being online, and how to help them make good decisions and stay safe.

Google Safety Center - Children today are growing up with technology, not growing into it like previous generations. So we’re working directly with experts and educators to help you set boundaries and use technology in a way that’s right for your family.

Spectrum Online Security - Identity Protection Protect your identity. Phishing scams are a common way people are tricked into providing personal information via email. Commonly, the email appears to come from a trusted source, like a large, known organization, and asks recipients to click on a link in order to verify or update contact details or credit card information.

Verizon Parent Controls - Parental Controls - Your Verizon router comes with parental controls designed to allow control of Internet access on all devices connected to your home network. Prevent your children from attempting to access inappropriate website with the below steps.

Tips for Parents

In today’s world, digitally connected families must think about safety and security both online and offline. Read the article "Talking to Kids and Teens about Security and Privacy"

Reporting an Improper Disclosure

Report an Improper Disclosure to Marlboro Central School District


Please complete the form thoroughly, including sufficient detail that will allow the complaint to be investigated.

To submit a complaint or report, please access the form from the following link:

Report an Improper Disclosure here