MMS Teams!

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School Phone: (845) 236-5840

To access your child's Team website click on the Team name below....

Team Dukes Team Marlboro Green Team Red Team Purple Team Unified Arts/PE/Health World Languages


Below is a website link of all of the skills students learn in sixth grade! The skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to see a sample question and practice.

Click below to get started.... 30 FREE MINUTES A DAY !!

Fun site to explore Math Vocabulary Definitions.  Click link below:

Throughout your child's three years in the middle school, they will take state tests each year that are designed to measure your child's progress in certain subject areas over the course of each year.  The results of these tests will also be used as part of a process that will measure teacher effectiveness, and the overall achievement of our school.

Testing Schedule